7 Health Benefits of DESi Lemons

7 Health Benefits of DESi Lemons

The benefits of lemon are plenty. Just a dash of lemon can instantly make the blandest dish taste exciting. This zesty fruit was born in the foothills of the Himalayas. From there, it has found its way into kitchens (and bars) across the world.

Nimbuda nimbuda nimbuda! We DESi’s love our lemon so much that we’ve dedicated a whole unforgettable song to it...kyunki ham dil de chuke sanam.

But this love exists for good reason. The benefits of lemon are plenty. Just a dash of lemon can instantly make the blandest dish taste exciting. This zesty fruit was born in the foothills of the Himalayas. From there, it has found its way into kitchens (and bars) across the world. 

Lemon is freakin’ delicious. And if that wasn't reason enough to gobble it up, it's also great for your health. Read on to find out. 

1. Lemon Keeps Your Heart Safe

Go ahead and love lemons. Because here’s the benefit of lemons - they love you back. Research shows that eating lemons reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke. They also lower your blood pressure and sugar levels. That’s because they’re full of Vitamin C, fiber, and plant compounds called hesperidin and diosmin which reduce risk factors such as your cholesterol levels.

2. Lemon Will Leave Your Gut Feeling Good Vibes Only.

Lemon benefits your gut due to the high presence of a soluble fiber called pectin. This improves your digestion and improves your gut health. Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is a great way to prevent constipation. But remember to consume the pulp in the fruit because that’s where all the fiber is present.

3. Eating Lemon Benefits Your Immune System

7 Health Benefits of DESi Lemons

An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Nah. Try lemons instead! Full of Vitamin C and antioxidants, lemons boost your immunity. They're especially effective against the germs that cause cold and flu.

4. Lemons Help You Lose Weight

For reasons that science doesn’t fully understand yet, lemons are great for weight loss and weight control. One theory is that the fiber in lemons makes you feel full for longer, helping you control your appetite. 

Another theory is that the polyphenol antioxidants (A1 plant-based compounds) present in lemons help with losing weight. Lemon benefits those with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) even more thanks to the antioxidants present in it, which reduce insulin resistance. 

But the bottom line - we don’t know why it works, but it works. 

5. A Dash of Lemon Keeps Them Kidney Stones Away

Anyone who’s had kidney stones knows how painful those tiny things can be rolling around in your body. But even here - lemon comes to the rescue! The citric acid present in lemons helps make your urine less acidic and can even break up small kidney stones.

6. Lemon Protects You From Anaemia...

Anaemia is a condition in which there aren’t enough red-blood cells (RBCs) in your body, or their ability to carry oxygen becomes insufficient to meet your body’s needs. Anaemia is shockingly common in India, with 51% of Indian women aged 15-49 suffering from this condition! 

The most common cause of anaemia is iron deficiency. Although it doesn’t have too much iron, lemon benefits us by improving our body’s ability to absorb iron from plant foods. This type of iron is much harder to absorb than iron that comes from meat and fish. So especially if you’re vegetarian, garnish liberally with lemon!

7. ...And Reduces Risk of Cancer

While we still need more research to figure out the relationship between lemon and cancer, we know that lemons reduce the risk of developing this deadly disease. Studies conducted on animals indicate that D-limonene, a compound found in lemon oil has anti-cancer properties. The plant-based compounds present in lemons may also have similar properties. 

At GO DESi, we go gaga for lemons. And once you have a taste of our chatpata lemon chaat, so will you! This snack mixes dried lemon peels sourced straight from the farm with salt, pepper, a hint of chilli. It’s super healthy, super tasty. What are you waiting for? 

GO DESi Lemon Chaat