Relive your Childhood

Relive your Childhood with GODESi

When we were kids, we wanted to grow up and now that we have grown into adults, we would do anything to go back and relive those childhood days, which are merely a memory now. It’s funny how things change in a blink of an eye. But it’s a fact that we can’t go back be kids again but we can surely relive those moments with eating our favorite childhood food or doing things what we loved when we were kids.

GO DESi is an innovative solution to hours of brainstorming about how can we relive our childhood days and connect it with food. You might be aware of all the high-end processed food items that are produced, packed and shipped to India. The westernization has taken over not only our thinking but taste buds too. We don’t want DESi food items but only high-end food items, why? Because the products are made in a proper hygienic environment right?

But the products made under the GO DESi banner are made in DESI areas, which are 100% hygienic, healthy and tasty.  As your childhood food items were pure and authentic, our team came up with their dream team who were ready to give their time & hard-work so that you could live your childhood once again, even if it’s for a while.


The products included are Imli pop , lemon chaat, amla bites , roasted soybean , etc., which are locally produced within a rural village area where women work day and night so that your taste buds remember the taste of your childhood. No artificial color or preservatives or flavor is added to any of the product in order to maintain the authenticity of the product.

The product made under our banner goes through minimal processing and all the masalas that are used are 100% pure and homemade. Do you know when the women of the village make these authentic products for you, they are paid and this is how they earn their living. So you not only relive your childhood days nut also provide employment to the ones who need it. Childhood is supposed to be innocent time right? Go, shop and enjoy our super DESi products to relive your childhood memories