Impact of GO DESi
GO DESi was a started with a vision of creating a sustainable economic center for the people living in rural areas. The numbers are in and we take a look at how much impact we've created this year.
What our customers have to say about us?
GO DESi is an initiative started by a group of people who personally believe that there is nothing in the world better than home made food. The products, which we sell online, are completely and 10...
Relive your Childhood with GODESi
When we were kids, we wanted to grow up and now that we have grown into adults, we would do anything to go back and relive those childhood days, which are merely a memory now. It’s funny how things...
From Scratch to Hatch - The Journey of Establishing a Micro Unit
Sira, a small town located 120 kms away from Bangalore, has its own eventful history with tales of warfare, rise and fall of kingdoms and empires. A politically and militarily important region of s...
Crafted with Love and Care
We’re living in a society where things especially food products are in a huge quantity as per the requirement and consumption. With our lives being faster and always busy in work, usual...
Adding a touch of glamour to DESi!
The first opportunity for a FMCG start-up to grab the attention of a potential customer online is by using attractive designs and imagery to peak their curiosity. You don’t need to spend a lot to s...